Source code for pandasdmx.reader

from pathlib import Path

from pandasdmx.reader import sdmxjson as json, sdmxml as xml

#: Reader classes
READERS = [json.Reader, xml.Reader]

def _readers():
    return ", ".join(map(lambda cls: cls.__name__, READERS))

[docs]def detect_content_reader(content): """Return a reader class for `content`. The :meth:`.BaseReader.detect` method for each class in :data:`READERS` is called; if a reader signals that it is compatible with `content`, then that class is returned. Raises ------ ValueError If no reader class matches. """ for cls in READERS: if cls.detect(content): return cls raise ValueError(f"{repr(content)} not recognized by any of {_readers()}")
[docs]def get_reader_for_content_type(ctype): """Return a reader class for HTTP content type `content`. Raises ------ ValueError If no reader class matches. See also -------- BaseReader.content_types """ for cls in READERS: if cls.supports_content_type(ctype): return cls raise ValueError(f"Content type {repr(ctype)} not supported by any of {_readers()}")
[docs]def get_reader_for_path(path): """Return a reader class for file `path`. Raises ------ ValueError If no reader class matches. See also -------- BaseReader.suffixes """ suffix = Path(path).suffix for cls in READERS: if cls.supports_suffix(suffix): return cls raise ValueError(f"File suffix {repr(suffix)} not supported by any of {_readers()}")
[docs]def read_sdmx(filename_or_obj, format=None, **kwargs): """ Load a SDMX-ML or SDMX-JSON message from a file or file-like object. A given file-like object is closed after loading. Parameters ---------- filename_or_obj : str or :class:`~os.PathLike` or open binary file. A file is not closed explicitly. So it should be passed from a with-context. format : 'XML' or 'JSON', optional Other Parameters ---------------- dsd : :class:`~.DataStructureDefinition` For “structure-specific” `format`=``XML`` messages only. """ reader = None # pop any dsd from kwargs as these are passed to any FS backend kwargs = kwargs.copy() dsd = kwargs.pop("dsd", None) try: # Do we have a path/filename rather than file? path = Path(filename_or_obj) # Open the file obj = open(path, mode="rb", **kwargs) except TypeError: # Not path-like → opened file path = None obj = filename_or_obj # fsspec.open_files returns a list. So get its only item; # multiple files are not allowed. if isinstance(obj, list): assert len(obj) == 1, ValueError( f"Only one file allowed. {len(obj)} passed." ) obj = obj[0] if path: try: # Use the file extension to guess the reader reader = get_reader_for_path(path) except ValueError: pass if not reader: try: reader = get_reader_for_path(Path(f"dummy.{format.lower()}")) except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass if not reader: # Read a line and then return the cursor to the initial position pos = obj.tell() first_line = obj.readline().strip() try: reader = detect_content_reader(first_line) except ValueError: pass if not reader: raise RuntimeError( f"cannot infer SDMX message format from path {repr(path)}, " f"format={format}, or content '{first_line[:5].decode()}..'" ) if dsd: return reader().read_message(obj, dsd=dsd) else: return reader().read_message(obj)