Source code for pandasdmx.writer.pandas

from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from typing import Set, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pandasdmx import message, model
from pandasdmx.model import (
    FacetValueType as FVT,
from pandasdmx.util import DictLike
from pandasdmx.writer.base import BaseWriter

#: Default return type for :func:`write_dataset` and similar methods. Either
#: 'compat' or 'rows'. See the ref:`HOWTO <howto-rtype>`.
# map facet value types to pandas dtypes (incomplete)
    FVT.string: pd.StringDtype(),
    FVT.bigInteger: pd.Int64Dtype,
    FVT.integer: pd.Int32Dtype,
    FVT.long: pd.Int32Dtype,
    FVT.short: pd.Int16Dtype,
    FVT.decimal: None,
    FVT.float: float,
    FVT.boolean: pd.BooleanDtype,
    FVT.double: np.float64,
    FVT.uri: pd.StringDtype(),
    FVT.count: pd.Int64Dtype,
    FVT.incremental: pd.Int64Dtype,
    FVT.inclusiveValueRange: pd.CategoricalDtype,
writer = BaseWriter("pandas")

[docs]def to_pandas(obj, *args, **kwargs): """Convert an SDMX *obj* to :mod:`pandas` object(s). See :ref:`pandasdmx.writer.pandas <writer-pandas>`. """ return writer.recurse(obj, *args, **kwargs)
# Functions for Python containers @writer def _list(obj: list, *args, **kwargs): """Convert a :class:`list` of SDMX objects.""" if isinstance(obj[0], Observation): return write_dataset(obj, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(obj[0], DataSet) and len(obj) == 1: return writer.recurse(obj[0], *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(obj[0], SeriesKey): assert len(args) == len(kwargs) == 0 return write_serieskeys(obj) else: return [writer.recurse(item, *args, **kwargs) for item in obj] @writer def _dict(obj: dict, *args, **kwargs): """Convert mappings.""" result = {k: writer.recurse(v, *args, **kwargs) for k, v in obj.items()} result_type = set(type(v) for v in result.values()) if result_type <= {pd.Series, pd.DataFrame}: if ( len(set(map(lambda s:, result.values()))) == 1 and len(result) > 1 ): # Can safely concatenate these to a pd.MultiIndex'd Series. return pd.concat(result) else: # The individual pd.Series are indexed by different dimensions; do # not concatenate. return DictLike(result) elif result_type == {str}: return pd.Series(result) elif result_type == {DictLike}: return result elif result_type == set(): # No results return pd.Series() else: raise ValueError(result_type) @writer def _set(obj: set, *args, **kwargs): """Convert :class:`set`.""" result = {writer.recurse(o, *args, **kwargs) for o in obj} return result # Functions for message classes
[docs]@writer def write_datamessage(obj: message.DataMessage, *args, rtype=None, **kwargs): """Convert :class:`.DataMessage`. Parameters ---------- rtype : 'compat' or 'rows', optional Data type to return; default :data:`.DEFAULT_RTYPE`. See the :ref:`HOWTO <howto-rtype>`. kwargs : Passed to :meth:`write_dataset` for each data set. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Series` or :class:`pandas.DataFrame` if `obj` has only one data set. list of (:class:`pandas.Series` or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`) if `obj` has more than one data set. """ # Pass the message's DSD to assist datetime handling kwargs.setdefault("dsd", obj.dataflow.structure) # Pass the return type and associated information kwargs["_rtype"] = rtype or DEFAULT_RTYPE if kwargs["_rtype"] == "compat": kwargs["_message_class"] = obj.__class__ kwargs["_observation_dimension"] = obj.observation_dimension if len( == 1: return writer.recurse([0], *args, **kwargs) else: return [writer.recurse(ds, *args, **kwargs) for ds in]
[docs]@writer def write_structuremessage(obj: message.StructureMessage, include=None, **kwargs): """Convert :class:`.StructureMessage`. Parameters ---------- obj : .StructureMessage include : iterable of str or str, optional One or more of the attributes of the StructureMessage ( 'category_scheme', 'codelist', etc.) to transform. kwargs : Passed to :meth:`write` for each attribute. Returns ------- .DictLike Keys are StructureMessage attributes; values are pandas objects. """ all_contents = { "category_scheme", "codelist", "concept_scheme", "constraint", "dataflow", "structure", "organisation_scheme", } # Handle arguments if include is None: attr_set = all_contents else: attr_set = set([include] if isinstance(include, str) else include) # Silently discard invalid names attr_set &= all_contents attrs = sorted(attr_set) result: DictLike[str, Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]] = DictLike() for a in attrs: dl = writer.recurse(getattr(obj, a), **kwargs) if len(dl): # Only add non-empty elements result[a] = dl return result
# Functions for model classes @writer def _c(obj: model.Component): """Convert :class:`.Component`.""" # Raises AttributeError if the concept_identity is missing return str( # type: ignore @writer def _cc(obj: model.ContentConstraint, **kwargs): """Convert :class:`.ContentConstraint`.""" if len(obj.data_content_region) != 1: raise NotImplementedError return writer.recurse(obj.data_content_region[0], **kwargs) @writer def _cr(obj: model.CubeRegion, **kwargs): """Convert :class:`.CubeRegion`.""" result: DictLike[str, pd.Series] = DictLike() for dim, memberselection in obj.member.items(): result[] = pd.Series( [mv.value for mv in memberselection.values], ) return result def get_component_type(component): lr = component.local_representation try: if isinstance(lr.enumerated, Codelist): return "category" # Get the facet value type fvt = lr.non_enumerated[0].value_type return FVT_MAP.get(fvt) or pd.StringDtype() except (AttributeError, KeyError): return "object"
[docs]@writer def write_dataset( obj: model.DataSet, attributes="", dtype=np.float64, constraint=None, datetime=False, dtypes_from_dsd=False, **kwargs, ): """Convert :class:`~.DataSet`. See the :ref:`walkthrough <datetime>` for examples of using the `datetime` argument. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`~.DataSet` or iterable of :class:`~.Observation` attributes : str Types of attributes to return with the data. A string containing zero or more of: - ``'o'``: attributes attached to each :class:`~.Observation` . - ``'s'``: attributes attached to any (0 or 1) :class:`~.SeriesKey` associated with each Observation. - ``'g'``: attributes attached to any (0 or more) :class:`~.GroupKey` associated with each Observation. - ``'d'``: attributes attached to the :class:`~.DataSet` containing the Observations. dtype : str or :class:`numpy.dtype` or None Datatype for values. If None, do not return the values of a series. In this case, `attributes` must not be an empty string so that some attribute is returned. constraint : .ContentConstraint, optional If given, only Observations included by the *constraint* are returned. datetime : bool or str or .Dimension or dict, optional If given, return a DataFrame with a :class:`~pandas.DatetimeIndex` or :class:`~pandas.PeriodIndex` as the index and all other dimensions as columns. Valid `datetime` values include: - :class:`bool`: if :obj:`True`, determine the time dimension automatically by detecting a :class:`~.TimeDimension`. - :class:`str`: ID of the time dimension. - :class:`~.Dimension`: the matching Dimension is the time dimension. - :class:`dict`: advanced behaviour. Keys may include: - **dim** (:class:`~.Dimension` or :class:`str`): the time dimension or its ID. - **axis** (`{0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns'}`): axis on which to place the time dimension (default: 0). - **freq** (:obj:`True` or :class:`str` or :class:`~.Dimension`): produce :class:`pandas.PeriodIndex`. If :class:`str`, the ID of a Dimension containing a frequency specification. If a Dimension, the specified dimension is used for the frequency specification. Any Dimension used for the frequency specification does not appear in the returned DataFrame. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` - if `attributes` is not ``''``, a data frame with one row per Observation, ``value`` as the first column, and additional columns for each attribute; - if `datetime` is given, various layouts as described above; or - if `_rtype` (passed from :func:`write_datamessage`) is 'compat', various layouts as described in the :ref:`HOWTO <howto-rtype>`. :class:`pandas.Series` with :class:`pandas.MultiIndex` Otherwise. """ # If called directly on a DataSet (rather than a parent DataMessage), # cannot determine the "dimension at observation level" rtype = kwargs.setdefault("_rtype", "rows") # Validate attributes argument attributes = attributes or "" try: attributes = attributes.lower() except AttributeError: raise TypeError("'attributes' argument must be str") if rtype == "compat" and kwargs["_observation_dimension"] is not AllDimensions: # Cannot return attributes in this case attributes = "" elif set(attributes) - {"o", "s", "g", "d"}: raise ValueError(f"attributes must be in 'osgd'; got {attributes}") # Iterate on observations data, indices = defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list) for observation in getattr(obj, "obs", obj): # Check that the Observation is within the constraint, if any key = observation.key.order() if (not constraint) or key in constraint: key = tuple(map(str, key.get_values())) # Add value and attributes if dtype: data["value"].append(observation.value) indices['value'].append(key) if attributes and attributes != "d": # attributes at levels obs, series and group for k, v in observation.attrib.items(): data[k].append(v) indices[k].append(key) if isinstance(obj, DataSet) and attributes and "d" in attributes: # attributes at dataset level for k, v in obj.attrib.items(): data[k].append(v) indices[k].append(key) # Check for a DSD dsd = kwargs.get("dsd") if dtypes_from_dsd and not isinstance(dsd, DataStructureDefinition): raise TypeError(f"If `dtypes_from_dsd` is True, \ `dsd` must be a DataStructureDefinition object.\ Got {type(dsd)}.") for col_name in data: if col_name == "value": if dtypes_from_dsd: dt = get_component_type(dsd.measures.get("OBS_VALUE")) else: dt = dtype else: # column for an attribute if dtypes_from_dsd: dt = get_component_type(dsd.attributes.get(col_name)) else: dt = "object" # Extract raw index tuples and values for this column # For dtype category, we stringify the data if dt == "category": data[col_name] = map(str, data[col_name]) # Make pd index adding names idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( indices[col_name], names=observation.key.order().values.keys()) # Replace raw list with pd.Series data[col_name] = pd.Series(data[col_name], idx, dtype=dt, name=col_name) # Convert to pd.DataFrame if needed if attributes: result = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) else: result = data["value"] # Reshape for compatibility with v0.9 result, datetime, kwargs = _dataset_compat(result, datetime, kwargs) # Handle the datetime argument, if any return _maybe_convert_datetime(result, datetime, obj=obj, **kwargs)
def _dataset_compat(df, datetime, kwargs): """Helper for :meth:`.write_dataset` 0.9 compatibility.""" rtype = kwargs.pop("_rtype") if rtype != "compat": return df, datetime, kwargs # Do nothing # Remove compatibility arguments from kwargs kwargs.pop("_message_class") obs_dim = kwargs.pop("_observation_dimension") if isinstance(obs_dim, list) and len(obs_dim) == 1: # Unwrap a length-1 list obs_dim = obs_dim[0] if obs_dim in (AllDimensions, None): pass # Do nothing elif isinstance(obs_dim, TimeDimension): # Don't modify *df*; only change arguments so that # _maybe_convert_datetime performs the desired changes if datetime is False or datetime is True: # Either datetime is not given, or True without specifying a # dimension; overwrite datetime = obs_dim elif isinstance(datetime, dict): # Dict argument; ensure the 'dim' key is the same as obs_dim if datetime.setdefault("dim", obs_dim) != obs_dim: msg = ( f"datetime={datetime} conflicts with rtype='compat' and" f" {obs_dim} at observation level" ) raise ValueError(msg) else: assert datetime == obs_dim, (datetime, obs_dim) elif isinstance(obs_dim, DimensionComponent): # Pivot all levels except the observation dimension df = df.unstack([n for n in df.index.names if n !=]) else: # E.g. some JSON messages have two dimensions at the observation level; # behaviour is unspecified here, so do nothing. pass return df, datetime, kwargs def _maybe_convert_datetime(df, arg, obj, dsd=None): """Helper for :meth:`.write_dataset` to handle datetime indices. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame arg : dict From the `datetime` argument to :meth:`write_dataset`. obj : From the `obj` argument to :meth:`write_dataset`. dsd: ~.DataStructureDefinition, optional """ if not arg: # False, None, empty dict: no datetime conversion return df # Check argument values param = dict(dim=None, axis=0, freq=False) if isinstance(arg, str): param["dim"] = arg elif isinstance(arg, DimensionComponent): param["dim"] = elif isinstance(arg, dict): extra_keys = set(arg.keys()) - set(param.keys()) if extra_keys: raise ValueError(extra_keys) param.update(arg) elif isinstance(arg, bool): pass # True else: raise ValueError(arg) def _get_dims(): """Return an appropriate list of dimensions.""" if len(obj.structured_by.dimensions.components): return obj.structured_by.dimensions.components elif dsd: return dsd.dimensions.components else: return [] def _get_attrs(): """Return an appropriate list of attributes.""" if len(obj.structured_by.attributes.components): return obj.structured_by.attributes.components elif dsd: return dsd.attributes.components else: return [] if not param["dim"]: # Determine time dimension dims = _get_dims() for dim in dims: if isinstance(dim, TimeDimension): param["dim"] = dim break if not param["dim"]: raise ValueError(f"no TimeDimension in {dims}") # Unstack all but the time dimension and convert other_dims = list(filter(lambda d: d != param["dim"], df.index.names)) df = df.unstack(other_dims) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) if param["freq"]: # Determine frequency string, Dimension, or Attribute try: # pandas version prior to 1.1.0 prefix_mapping = pd.offsets.prefix_mapping except AttributeError: # pandas version >= 1.1.0 # See also issue #35482 in the pandas-dev repo prefix_mapping = pd._libs.tslibs.offsets.prefix_mapping freq = param["freq"] if isinstance(freq, str) and freq not in prefix_mapping: # ID of a Dimension or Attribute for component in chain(_get_dims(), _get_attrs()): if == freq: freq = component break # No named dimension in the DSD; but perhaps on the df if isinstance(freq, str): if freq in df.columns.names: freq = Dimension(id=freq) else: raise ValueError(freq) if isinstance(freq, Dimension): # Retrieve Dimension values from pd.MultiIndex level level = i = df.columns.names.index(level) values = set(df.columns.levels[i]) if len(values) > 1: values = sorted(values) raise ValueError( "cannot convert to PeriodIndex with " f"non-unique freq={values}" ) # Store the unique value freq = values.pop() # Remove the index level df.columns = df.columns.droplevel(i) elif isinstance(freq, DataAttribute): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError df.index = df.index.to_period(freq=freq) if param["axis"] in {1, "columns"}: # Change axis df = df.transpose() return df @writer def _dd(obj: model.DimensionDescriptor): """Convert :class:`.DimensionDescriptor`.""" return writer.recurse(obj.components)
[docs]@writer def write_itemscheme(obj: model.ItemScheme, locale=DEFAULT_LOCALE): """Convert :class:`.ItemScheme`. Parameters ---------- locale : str, optional Locale for names to return. Returns ------- pandas.Series """ items = {} seen: Set[Item] = set() def add_item(item): """Recursive helper for adding items.""" # Track seen items if item in seen: return else: seen.add(item) # Localized name row = {"name":} try: # Parent ID row["parent"] = except AttributeError: row["parent"] = "" items[] = row # Add this item's children, recursively for child in item.child: add_item(child) for item in obj: add_item(item) # Convert to DataFrame result = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(items, orient="index", dtype=object).rename_axis(, axis="index" ) if len(result) and not result["parent"].str.len().any(): # 'parent' column is empty; convert to pd.Series and rename result = result["name"].rename( return result
@writer def _mv(obj: model.MemberValue): return obj.value @writer def _na(obj: model.NameableArtefact): return str( def write_serieskeys(obj): result = [] for sk in obj: result.append({dim: kv.value for dim, kv in sk.order().values.items()}) # TODO perhaps return as a pd.MultiIndex if that is more useful return pd.DataFrame(result)