Resources ********* The following references and learning materials explain SDMX *in general*: - `SDMX page `_ on Wikipedia, with a simple summary in 6 languages. - The **SDMX website** includes: - `the authoritative standards `_, and - `many detailed guidelines `_ for their use. In particular, see `Section 2 — Information Model `_ (PDF link). - The GitHub organization of the `SDMX Technical Standards Working Group `_ hosts other standards information, such as: - `Section 7 — REST web service `_. - Eurostat `SDMX ‘InfoSpace’ `_ contains many guides and tutorials, from beginner to advanced levels. - European Central Bank `SDMX REST service help pages `_ give many examples. - `SDMXSource `_ provides reference implementations of SDMX in Java, .NET, and ActionScript.