.. _sdmx-tour: A very short introduction to SDMX ==================================== General purpose ----------------------------------------------------------------- `SDMX `_ (short for: Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange) is a set of `standards and guidelines `_ aimed at facilitating the production, dissemination, retrieval and processing of statistical data and metadata. SDMX is sponsored by a wide range of public institutions including the UN, the IMF, the Worldbank, BIS, ILO, FAO, the OECD, the ECB, Eurostat, and a number of national statistics offices. These and other institutions provide a vast array of current and historic data sets and metadata sets via free or fee-based REST and SOAP web services. pandaSDMX only supports SDMX v2.1, that is, the latest version of this standard. Some agencies such as the ILO and WHO still offer SDMX 2.0-compliant services. These cannot be accessed by pandaSDMX. It is expected that most SDMX providers will ultimately upgrade to the latest version of the standard. Information model ---------------------------------------------------------------- At its core, SDMX defines an :index:`information model` consisting of a set of :index:`classes`, their logical relations, and semantics. There are classes defining things like data sets, metadata sets, data and metadata structures, processes, organisations and their specific roles to name but a few. The information model is agnostic as to its implementation. The SDMX standard provides an XML-based implementation (see below). And a more efficient JSON-variant called SDMXJSON is being standardised by the `SDMX Technical Standards Working Group `_. PandaSDMX supports both formats. The following sections briefly introduces some key elements of the information model. Data sets ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: a :index:`data set` can broadly be described as a container of ordered :index:`observations` and :index:`attributes` attached to them. Observations (e.g. the annual unemployment rate) are classified by :index:`dimensions` such as country, age, sex, and time period. Attributes may further describe an individual observation or a set of observations. Typical uses for attributes are the level of confidentiality, or data quality. Observations may be clustered into :index:`series`, in particular, time series. The data set must explicitly specify the :index:`dimension at observation` such as 'time', 'time_period' or anything else. If a data set consists of series whose dimension at observation is neither time nor time period, the data set is called :index:`cross-sectional`. A data set that is not grouped into series, i.e. where all dimension values including time, if available, are stated for each observation, are called :index:`flat data sets`. These are hardly memory-efficient, but benefit from a very simple representation. An attribute may be attached to a series to express the fact that it applies to all contained observations. This increases efficiency and adds meaning. Subsets of series within a data set may be clustered into :index:`groups`. A group is defined by specifying one or more dimension values, but not all: At least the dimension at observation and one other dimension must remain free (or wild-carded). Otherwise, the group would in fact be either a single observation or a series. The main purpose of :index:`group` is to serve as a convenient attachment point for attributes. Hence, a given attribute may be attached to all series within the group at once. Attributes may finally be attached to the entire data set, i.e. to all series/observations therein. Structural metadata: data structure definition, concept scheme and code list :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: In the above section on data sets, we have carelessly used structural terms such as dimension, dimension value and attachment of attributes. This is because it is almost impossible to talk about data sets without talking about their structure. The information model provides a number of classes to describe the structure of data sets without talking about data. The container class for this is called :index:`DataStructureDefinition` (in short: :abbr:`DSD`). It contains a list of dimensions and for each dimension a reference to exactly one :index:`concept` describing its meaning. A concept describes the set of permissible dimension values. This can be done in various ways depending on the intended data type. Finite value sets (such as country codes, currencies, a data quality classification etc.) are described by reference to :index:`code lists`. Infinite value sets are described by :index:`facets` which is simply a way to express that a dimension may have int, float or time-stamp values, to name but a few. A set of concepts referred to in the dimension descriptors of a data structure definition is called :index:`concept scheme`. The set of allowed observation values such as the unemployment rate measured in per cent is defined by a special dimension called :index:`MeasureDimension`. Dataflow definition :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A :index:`dataflow` describes how a particular data set is structured (by referring to a DSD), how often it is updated over time by its maintaining agency, under what conditions it will be provided etc. The terminology is a bit confusing: You cannot actually obtain a dataflow from an SDMX web service. Rather, you can request one or more dataflow definitions describing how datasets under this dataflow are structured, which codes may be used to query for desired columns etc. The dataflow definition and the artefacts to which it refers give you all the information you need to exploit the data sets you can request using the dataflow's ID. A :index:`DataFlowDefinition` is a class that describes a dataflow. A DataFlowDefinition has a unique identifier, a human-readable name and potentially a more detailed description. Both may be multi-lingual. The dataflow's ID is used to query the data set it describes. The dataflow also features a reference to the DSD which structures the data sets available under this dataflow ID. For instance, in the frontpage example we used the dataflow ID 'une_rt_a'. Constraints ::::::::::::::::: Constraints are a mechanism to specify a subset of keys from the set of possible combinations of keys available in the referenced code lists for which there is actually data. For example, a constraint may reflect the fact that in a certain country there are no lakes or hospitals, and hence no data about water quality or hospitalization. There are two types of constraints: A :index:`content-constraint` is a mechanism to express the fact that data sets of a given dataflow only comprise columns for a subset of values from the code-lists representing dimension values. For example, the datastructure definition for a dataflow on exchange rates references the code list of all country codes in the world, whereas the data sets provided under this dataflow only covers the ten largest currencies. These can be enumerated by a content-constraint attached to the dataflow definition or DSD. Content-constraints can be used to validate dimension names and values (a.k.a. keys) when requesting data sets selecting columns of interest. pandaSDMX supports content constraints and provides convenient methods to validate keys, compute the constrained code lists etc. An :index:`attachment-constraint` describes to which parts of a data set (column/series, group of series, observation, the entire data set) certain attributes may be attached. Attachment-constraints are not supported by pandaSDMX as this feature is needed only for data set generation. However, pandaSDMX does support attributes in the information model and when exporting data sets to pandas. Category schemes and categorisations :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Categories serve to classify or categorise things like dataflows, e.g., by subject matter. Multiple categories may belong to a container called :index:`CategorySchemes`. A :index:`Categorisation` links the thing to be categorised, e.g., a DataFlowDefinition, to a :index:`Category`. Class hierarchy ::::::::::::::::: The SDMX information model defines a number of abstract base classes from which subclasses such as :index:`DataFlowDefinition` or :index:`DataStructureDefinition` are derived. E.g., DataFlowDefinition inherits from :index:`MaintainableArtefact` attributes indicating the maintaining agency. MaintainableArtefact inherits from :index:`VersionableArtefact`, which, in turn, inherits from :index:`IdentifiableArtefact` which inherits from :index:`AnnotableArtefact` and so forth. Hence, DataStructureDefinition may have a unique ID, a version, a natural language name in multiple languages, a description, and annotations. pandaSDMX takes full advantage from this class hierarchy. Implementations of the information model --------------------------------------------------------------- Background ::::::::::: There are two implementations of the information model: * SDMXML is XML-based. It is fully standardised and covers the complete information model. However, it is a bit heavy-weight and data providers are gradually shifting to the JSON flavor currently in the works. * `SDMXJSON `_: This recent JSON-based implementation is more lightweight and efficient. While standardisation is in an advanced stage, structure-messages are not yet covered. Data messages work well though, and pandaSDMX supports them as from v0.5. SDMXML ::::::::: The SDMX standard defines an XML-based implementation of the information model called :index:`SDMXML`. An SDMXML document contains exactly one SDMX :index:`Message`. There are several types of Message such as :index:`GenericDataMessage` to represent a :index:`data set` in generic form, i.e. containing all the information required to interpret it. Hence, data sets in generic representation may be used without knowing the related :index:`DataStructureDefinition`. The downside is that generic data set messages are much larger than their sister format :index:`StructureSpecificdata set`. pandaSDMX has always supported generic data set messages. In v0.8, support for structure-specific data messages was aded. SDMX-JSON messages can be consumed as well. The term 'structure-specific dataset' reflects the fact that in order to interpret such dataset, one needs to know the datastructure definition (DSD). Otherwise, it would be impossible to distinguish dimension values from attributes etc. Hence, when downloading a structure-specific dataset, pandaSDMX will download the DSD on the fly or retrieves it from a local cash. Another important SDMXML message type is :index:`StructureMessage` which may contain artefacts such as DataStructureDefinitions, code lists, conceptschemes, categoryschemes and so forth. SDMXML provides that each message contains a :index:`Header` containing some metadata about the message. Finally, SDMXML messages may contain a :index:`Footer` element. It provides information on any errors that have occurred on the server side, e.g., if the requested data set exceeds the size limit, or the server needs some time to make it available under a given link. The test suite comes with a number of small SDMXML demo files. View them in your favorite XML editor to get a deeper understanding of the structure and content of various message types. SDMX services provide XML schemas to validate a particular SDMXML file. However, pandaSDMX does not yet support validation. SDMXJSON :::::::::: `SDMXJSON `_ represents SDMX data sets and related metadata as JSON files provided by RESTful web services. Early adopters of this format are OECD, ECB and IMF. As of v0.5, pandaSDMX supports the OECD's REST interface for SDMXJSON. However, note that structural metadata is not yet fully standardised. Hence, it is impossible at this stage to download dataflow definitions, codelists etc. from ABS (Australia) and OECD. SDMX web services -------------------------------- The SDMX standard defines both a REST and a SOAP web service API. As of v0.8, pandaSDMX only supports the REST API. The URL specifies the type, providing agency, and ID of the requested SDMX resource (dataflow, categoryscheme, data etc.). The query part of the URL (after the '?') may be used to give optional query parameters. For instance, when requesting data, the scope of the data set may be narrowed down by specifying a key to select only matching columns (e.g. on a particular country). The dimension names and values used to select the rows can be validated by checking if they are contained in the relevant codelists referenced by the datastructure definition (see above), and any content-constraint attached to the dataflow definition for the queried data set. Moreover, rows may be chosen by specifying a startperiod and endperiod for the time series. In addition, the query part may set a :index:`references` parameter to instruct the SDMX server to return a number of other artefacts along with the resource actually requested. For example, a DataStructureDefinition contains references to code lists and concept schemes (see above). If the 'references' parameter is set to 'all', these will be returned in the same StructureMessage. The next chapter contains some examples to demonstrate this mechanism. Further details can be found in the SDMX User Guide, and the Web Service Guidelines. Further reading ------------------------------------ * The `SDMX standards and guidelines `_ are the authoritative resource. This page is a must for anyone eager to dive deeper into SDMX. Start with the User Guide and the Information Model (Part 2 of the standard). The Web Services Guidelines contain instructive examples for typical queries. * `Eurostat SDMX page `_ * `European Central Bank SDMX page `_ It links to a range of study guides and helpful video tutorials. * `SDMXSource `_: - Java, .NET and ActionScript implementations of SDMX software, in part open source