5. Basic usage

5.1. Overview

This chapter illustrates the main steps of a typical workflow, namely:

  1. Choose a data provider
  2. Download the catalogue of dataflows available from the data provider and select a dataflow for further inspection
  3. download metadata on the selected dataflow including the datastructure definition, concepts, codelists and content constraints describing the datasets available through that dataflow
  4. Analyze the metadata as pandas DataFrames or by directly inspecting the Pythonic information model
  5. Specify the needed portions of the data from the dataflow by constructing a selection (“key”) of series and a period/time range for the prospective dataset
  6. Download the actual dataset specified by dataflow ID, key and period/time range
  7. write the dataset or selected series thereof to a pandas DataFrame or Series to analyze the dataset

Each of the steps share common tasks which flow from the architecture of pandaSDMX:

  1. Use an pandasdmx.api.Request instance to get an SDMX message from a web service or file.
  2. Explore the returned pandasdmx.api.Response instance. The SDMX message is contained in its msg attribute. Note that there are two types of message: DataMessage and StructureMessage. The former contains a data set, the latter contains structural metadata about one or more dataflows, most importantly one or more dataflow definitions and related metadata such as the datastructure definition, codelists, constraints etc.

5.2. Connecting to an SDMX web service, caching

First, we instantiate pandasdmx.api.Request. The constructor accepts an optional agency ID as string. The list of supported agencies can be viewed here, or as shown below.

In [1]: from pandasdmx import Request # '*' would do the same

In [2]: ecb = Request('ECB')

ecb is now configured so as to make requests to the European Central Bank. If you want to send requests to multiple agencies, instantiate multiple Request objects.

5.2.1. Configuring the http connection

To pre-configure the HTTP connections to be established by a Request instance, you can pass all keyword arguments consumed by the underlying HTTP library requests. For a complete description of the options see the requests documentation. For example, a proxy server can be specified for subsequent requests like so:

In [3]: ecb_via_proxy = Request('ECB', proxies={'http': ''})

HTTP request parameters are exposed through a dict. It may be modified between requests.

In [4]: ecb_via_proxy.client.config
Out[4]: {'proxies': {'http': ''}, 'stream': True, 'timeout': 30.1}

The Request.client attribute acts a bit like a requests.Session in that it conveniently stores the configuration for subsequent HTTP requests. Modify it to change the configuration. For convenience, pandasdmx.api.Request has a timeout property to set the timeout in seconds for http requests.

5.2.2. Caching received files

Since v0.3.0, requests-cache is supported. To use it, pass an optional cache keyword argument to Request() constructor. If given, it must be a dict whose items will be passed to requests_cache.install_cache function. Use it to cache SDMX messages in databases such as MongoDB, Redis or SQLite. See the requests-cache` docs for further information.

5.2.3. Loading a file instead of requesting it via http

Request instances can load SDMX messages from local files. Issuing r = Request() without passing any agency ID instantiates a Request object not tied to any agency. It may only be used to load SDMX messages from files, unless a pre-fabricated URL is passed to pandasdmx.api.Request.get().

5.3. Obtaining and exploring metadata about datasets

This section illustrates how to download and explore metadata. Assume we are looking for time-series on exchange rates. Our best guess is that the European Central Bank provides a relevant dataflow. We could google for the dataflow ID or browse the ECB’s website. However, we choose to use SDMX metadata to get a complete overview of the dataflows the ECB provides.

5.5. Working with datasets

5.5.1. Selecting and requesting data from a dataflow

Requesting a dataset is as easy as requesting a dataflow definition or any other SDMX artefact: Just call the pandasdmx.api.Request.get() method and pass it ‘data’ as the resource_type and the dataflow ID as resource_id. As a shortcut, you can use the data descriptor which calls the get method implicitly.

5.5.2. Generic or structure-specific data format?

Data providers which support SDMXML offer data sets in two distinct formats:

  • generic data sets: These are self-contained but less memory-efficient. They are suitable for small to medium data sets, but less so for large ones.
  • Structure-specific data sets: This format is memory-efficient (typically about 60 per cent smaller than a generic data set) but it requires the datastructure definition (DSD) to interpret the XML file. The DSD must be downloaded prior to parsing the dataset. pandaSDMX can do this behind the scenes. However, as we shall see in the next section, the DSD can also be provided by the caller to save an additional request.

The intended data format is chosen by selecting the agency. For example, ‘ECB’ provides generic data sets, whereas ‘ECB_S’ provides structure-specific data sets. Hence, there are actually two agency ID’s for ECB, ESTAT etc. Note that data providers supporting SDMXJSON only work with a single format for data sets. Hence, there is merely one agency ID for OECD and ABS.

5.5.3. Filtering

In most cases we want to filter the data by columns or rows in order to request only the data we are interested in. Not only does this increase performance. Rather, some dataflows are really huge, and would exceed the server or client limits. The REST API of SDMX offers two ways to narrow down a data request:

  • specifying dimension values which the series to be returned must match (filtering by column labels) or
  • limiting the time range or number of observations per series (filtering by row labels)

From the ECB’s dataflow on exchange rates, we specify the CURRENCY dimension to be either ‘USD’ or ‘JPY’. This can be done by passing a key keyword argument to the get method or the data descriptor. It may either be a string (low-level API) or a dict. The dict form introduced in v0.3.0 is more convenient and pythonic as it allows pandaSDMX to infer the string form from the dict. Its keys (= dimension names) and values (= dimension values) will be validated against the datastructure definition as well as the content-constraints if available.

Content-constraints are implemented only in their CubeRegion flavor. KeyValueSets are not yet supported. In this case, the provided demension values will be validated only against the unconstrained codelist. It is thus not always guaranteed that the dataset actually contains the desired data, e.g., because the country of interest does not deliver the data to the SDMX data provider. Note that even constrained codelists do not guarantee that for a given key there will be data on the server. This is because the codelists may mislead the user to think that every element of their cartesian product is a valid key for a series, whereas there is actually data merely for a subset of that product. The KeyValue flavor of content constraints is thus a more accurate predictor. But this feature is not known to be used by any data provider. Thus pandaSDMX does not support it.

Another way to validate a key against valid codes are series-key-only datasets, i.e. a dataset with all possible series keys where no series contains any observation. pandaSDMX supports this validation method as well. However, it is disabled by default. Pass series_keys=True to the Request method to validate a given key against a series-keys only dataset rather than the DSD.

If we choose the string form of the key, it must consist of ‘.’-separated slots representing the dimensions. Values are optional. As we saw in the previous section, the ECB’s dataflow for exchange rates has five relevant dimensions, the ‘CURRENCY’ dimension being at position two. This yields the key ‘.USD+JPY…’. The ‘+’ can be read as an ‘OR’ operator. The dict form is shown below.

Further, we will set a meaningful start period for the time series to exclude any prior data from the request.

To request the data in generic format, we could simply issue:

>>> data_response = ecb.data(resource_id = 'EXR', key={'CURRENCY': ['USD', 'JPY']}, params = {'startPeriod': '2016'})

However, we want to demonstrate how structure-specific data sets are requested. To this end, we instantiate a one-off Request object configured to make requests for efficient structure-specific data, and we pass it the DSD obtained in the previous section. Without passing the DSD, it would be downloaded automatically right after the data set:

In [21]: data_response = Request('ecb_s').data(resource_id = 'EXR',
   ....: key={'CURRENCY': ['USD', 'JPY']},
   ....: params = {'startPeriod': '2017'}, dsd=dsd)

In [22]: data = data_response.data

In [23]: type(data)
Out[23]: pandasdmx.model.DataSet

5.5.4. Anatomy of data sets

This section explains the key elements and structure of a data set. You can skip it on first read when you just want to be able to download data and export it to pandas. More advanced operations, e.g., exporting only a subset of series to pandas, requires some understanding of the anatomy of a dataset including observations and attributes.

As we saw in the previous section, the datastructure definition (DSD) is crucial to understanding the data structure, the meaning of dimension and attribute values, and to select series of interest from the entire data set by specifying a valid key.

The pandasdmx.model.DataSet class has the following features:

attribute showing which dimension is at observation level. For time series its value is either ‘TIME’ or ‘TIME_PERIOD’. If it is ‘AllDimensions’, the dataset is said to be flat. In this case there are no series, just a flat list of observations.
property returning an iterator over pandasdmx.model.Series instances
method returning an iterator over the observations. Only for flat datasets.
namedtuple of attributes, if any, that are attached at dataset level

The pandasdmx.model.Series class has the following features:

nnamedtuple mapping dimension names to dimension values
method returning an iterator over observations within the series
namedtuple mapping any attribute names to values
list of pandasdmx.model.Group instances to which this series belongs. Note that groups are merely attachment points for attributes.
In [24]: data.dim_at_obs
Out[24]: 'TIME_PERIOD'

In [25]: series_l = list(data.series)

In [26]: len(series_l)
Out[26]: 16

In [27]: series_l[5].key

In [28]: set(s.key.FREQ for s in data.series)
Out[28]: {'A', 'D', 'H', 'M', 'Q'}

This dataset thus comprises 16 time series of several different period lengths. We could have chosen to request only daily data in the first place by providing the value D for the FREQ dimension. In the next section we will show how columns from a dataset can be selected through the information model when writing to a pandas DataFrame.

5.5.5. Writing data to pandas Selecting columns using the model API

As we want to write data to a pandas DataFrame rather than an iterator of pandas Series, we avoid mixing up different frequencies as pandas may raise an error when passed data with incompatible frequencies. Therefore, we single out the series with daily data. The pandasdmx.api.Response.write() method accepts an optional iterable to select a subset of the series contained in the dataset. Thus we can now generate our pandas DataFrame from daily exchange rate data only:

In [29]: daily = (s for s in data.series if s.key.FREQ == 'D')

In [30]: cur_df = data_response.write(daily)

In [31]: cur_df.shape
Out[31]: (653, 2)

In [32]: cur_df.tail()
FREQ                 D        
CURRENCY           JPY     USD
EXR_TYPE          SP00    SP00
EXR_SUFFIX           A       A
2019-07-18      120.89  1.1216
2019-07-19      120.93  1.1226
2019-07-22      121.03  1.1215
2019-07-23      120.82  1.1173
2019-07-24      120.41  1.1140 Specifying whether to write observations, attributes or both

The docstring of the pandasdmx.writer.data2pandas.Writer.write() method explains a number of optional arguments to control whether or not another dataframe should be generated for the attributes, which attributes it should contain, and, most importantly, if the resulting pandas Series should be concatenated to a single DataFrame at all (asframe = True is the default). Controlling index generation

The write method provides the following parameters to control index generation. This is useful to increase performance for large datasets with regular indexes (e.g. monthly data, and to avoid crashes caused by exotic datetime formats not parsed by pandas:

  • fromfreq: if True, the index will be extrapolated from the first date or period and the frequency. This is only robust if the dataset has a uniform index, e.g. has no gaps like for daily trading data.
  • reverse_obs:: if True, return observations in a series in reverse document order. This may be useful to establish chronological order, in particular incombination with fromfreq. Default is False.
  • If pandas raises parsing errors due to exotic date-time formats, set parse_time to False to obtain a string index rather than datetime index. Default is True.

5.6. Working with files

The pandasdmx.api.Request.get() method accepts two optional keyword arguments tofile and fromfile. If a file path or, in case of fromfile, a file-like object is given, any SDMX message received from the server will be written to a file, or a file will be read instead of making a request to a remote server.

The file to be read may be a zip file (new in version 0.2.1). In this case, the SDMX message must be the first file in the archive. The same works for zip files returned from an SDMX server. This happens, e.g., when Eurostat finds that the requested dataset has been too large. In this case the first request will yield a message with a footer containing a link to a zip file to be made available after some time. The link may be extracted by issuing something like:

>>> resp.footer.text[1]

and passed as url argument when calling get a second time to get the zipped data message.

Since version 0.2.1, this second request can be performed automatically through the get_footer_url parameter. It defaults to (30, 3) which means that three attempts will be made in 30 seconds intervals. This behavior is useful when requesting large datasets from Eurostat. Deactivate it by setting get_footer_url to None.

In addition, since version 0.4 you can use pandasdmx.api.Response.write_source() to save the serialized XML tree to a file.

5.7. Caching Response instances in memory

The ‘’get’’ API provides a rudimentary cache for Response instances. It is a simple dict mapping user-provided names to the Response instances. If we want to cache a Response, we can provide a suitable name by passing the keyword argument memcache to the get method. Pre-existing items under the same key will be overwritten.


Caching of http responses can also be achieved through ‘’requests-cache’. Activate the cache by instantiating pandasdmx.api.Request passing a keyword argument cache. It must be a dict mapping config and other values.

5.8. Using odo to export datasets to other data formats and database backends

Since version 0.4, pandaSDMX supports odo, a great tool to convert datasets to a variety of data formats and database backends. To use this feature, you have to call pandasdmx.odo_register() to register .sdmx files with odo. Then you can convert an .sdmx file containing a dataset to, say, a CSV file or an SQLite or PostgreSQL database in a few lines:

>>> import pandasdmx
>>> from odo import odo
___ pandasdmx.odo_register()
>>> odo('mydata.sdmx', 'sqlite:///mydata.sqlite')

Behind the scenes, odo uses pandaSDMX to convert the .sdmx file to a pandas DataFrame and performs any further conversions from there based on odo’s conversion graph. Any keyword arguments passed to odo will be passed on to pandasdmx.api.Response.write().

There is a limitation though: In the exchange rate example from the previous chapter, we needed to select same-frequency series from the dataset before converting the data set to pandas. This will likely cause crashes as odo’s discover method is unaware of this selection. Hence, .sdmx files can only be exported using odo if they can be exported to pandas without passing any arguments to pandasdmx.api.Response.write().

5.9. Handling errors

The pandasdmx.api.Response instance generated upon receipt of the response from the server has a status_code attribute. The SDMX web services guidelines explain the meaning of these codes. In addition, if the SDMX server has encountered an error, it may return a message which includes a footer containing explanatory notes. pandaSDMX exposes the content of a footer via a text attribute which is a list of strings.


pandaSDMX raises only http errors with status code between 400 and 499. Codes >= 500 do not raise an error as the SDMX web services guidelines define special meanings to those codes. The caller must therefore raise an error if needed.

5.10. Logging

Since version 0.4, pandaSDMX can log certain events such as when a connection to a web service is made or a file has been successfully downloaded. It uses the logging package from the Python stdlib. . To activate logging, you must set the parent logger’s level to the desired value as described in the logging docs. Example:

>>> pandasdmx.logger.setLevel(10)