Source code for pandasdmx.reader.sdmxml

# encoding: utf-8

# pandaSDMX is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license a copy of which
# is included in the source distribution of pandaSDMX.
# This is notwithstanding any licenses of third-party software included in
# this distribution.
# (c) 2014-2016 Dr. Leo <>

This module contains a reader for SDMXML v2.1.


from pandasdmx.utils import DictLike, namedtuple_factory
from pandasdmx import model
from pandasdmx.reader import BaseReader
from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import XPath

[docs]class Reader(BaseReader): """ Read SDMX-ML 2.1 and expose it as instances from pandasdmx.model """ _nsmap = { 'com': '', 'str': '', 'mes': '', 'gen': '', 'data': '', 'footer': '' }
[docs] def initialize(self, source): tree = etree.parse(source) root = tree.getroot() if root.tag.endswith('Structure'): msg = model.StructureMessage(self, root) elif (root.tag.endswith('GenericTimeSeriesData') or root.tag.endswith('GenericData')): msg = model.DataMessage(self, root) # remove any DSD so as not to misguide parsing methods self.dsd = None elif (root.tag.endswith('StructureSpecificTimeSeriesData') or root.tag.endswith('StructureSpecificData')): msg = model.DataMessage(self, root) # Exclude the rare case that the msg header does not contain a structure ID. # A known case is ESTAT returning a message indicating # that a large dataset is bing made available as downloadable zi file. # The caller must handle this, e.g., by analyzing any provided # footer. if hasattr(msg.header, 'structured_by'): # download the DSD if not already # provided by the caller at instantiation. if not self.dsd: dsd_id_raw = msg.header.structured_by # Some agencies such as ECB put the DSD ID into the structured_by field, # others prepend the agency ID and append the version. We try # to muddle through this mess. But there may be unknown # pitfalls. cache_id = + dsd_id_raw try: dsd_id = dsd_id_raw self.dsd = self.request.datastructure(dsd_id, params={ 'references': None}, memcache=cache_id).datastructure[dsd_id] except Exception: self.request.clear_cache(cache_id) # strip off leading agency ID and trailing version start = dsd_id_raw.find('_') + 1 dsd_id = dsd_id_raw[start:-4] self.dsd = self.request.datastructure(dsd_id, params={ 'references': None}, memcache=cache_id).datastructure[dsd_id] # extract dimension and attribute IDs from the DSD for later # use self.dim_ids = [ for d in self.dsd.dimensions.aslist()] self.attrib_ids = sorted(self.dsd.attributes.keys()) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported root tag: %s' % root.tag) self.message = msg return msg
# flag to prevent multiple compiling. See BaseReader.__init__ _compiled = False
[docs] def write_source(self, filename): ''' Save XML source to file by calling `write` on the root element. ''' return self.message._elem.getroottree().write(filename, encoding='utf8')
_paths = { 'footer_text': 'com:Text/text()', 'footer_code': '@code', 'footer_severity': '@severity', 'dataflow_from_msg': 'mes:Structures/str:Dataflows', 'constraint_attachment': 'str:ConstraintAttachment/*', 'structure_usage': 'str:StructureUsage', 'include': '@include', 'id': '@id', 'urn': '@urn', 'url': '@url', 'uri': '@uri', 'agencyID': '@agencyID', 'maintainable_parent_id': '@maintainableParentID', 'value': 'com:Value/text()', 'headerID': 'mes:ID/text()', 'header_prepared': 'mes:Prepared/text()', 'header_sender': 'mes:Sender/@*', 'header_receiver': 'mes:Receiver/@*', 'assignment_status': '@assignmentStatus', 'error': 'mes:error/@*', 'ref_version': '@version', 'concept_identity': 'str:ConceptIdentity', 'position': '@position', 'isfinal': '@isFinal', 'ref_package': '@package', 'ref_class': '@class', 'ref_target': 'str:Target', 'ref_source': 'str:Source', 'ref_structure': 'str:Structure', 'annotationtype': 'com:AnnotationType/text()', 'structured_by': 'mes:Structure/@structureID', 'dim_at_obs': '//mes:Header/mes:Structure/@dimensionAtObservation', 'generic_obs_path': 'gen:Obs', 'obs_key_id_path': 'gen:ObsKey/gen:Value/@id', 'obs_key_values_path': 'gen:ObsKey/gen:Value/@value', 'series_key_values_path': 'gen:SeriesKey/gen:Value/@value', 'series_key_id_path': 'gen:SeriesKey/gen:Value/@id', 'generic_series_dim_path': 'gen:ObsDimension/@value', 'group_key_values_path': 'gen:GroupKey/gen:Value/@value', 'group_key_id_path': 'gen:GroupKey/gen:Value/@id', 'obs_value_path': 'gen:ObsValue/@value', 'attr_id_path': 'gen:Attributes/gen:Value/@id', 'attr_values_path': 'gen:Attributes/gen:Value/@value', model.Code: 'str:Code', model.Categorisation: 'str:Categorisation', model.CategoryScheme: 'mes:Structures/str:CategorySchemes/str:CategoryScheme', model.DataStructureDefinition: 'mes:Structures/str:DataStructures/str:DataStructure', model.ProvisionAgreement: 'mes:Structures/str:ProvisionAgreements/str:ProvisionAgreement', model.DataflowDefinition: 'str:Dataflow', model.ConceptScheme: 'mes:Structures/str:Concepts/str:ConceptScheme', model.ContentConstraint: 'mes:Structures/str:Constraints/str:ContentConstraint', model.Concept: 'str:Concept', model.Codelist: 'mes:Structures/str:Codelists/str:Codelist', model.Categorisations: 'mes:Structures/str:Categorisations', model.Footer: 'footer:Footer/footer:Message', model.Category: 'str:Category', model.DimensionDescriptor: 'str:DataStructureComponents/str:DimensionList', model.Dimension: 'str:Dimension', model.TimeDimension: 'str:TimeDimension', model.MeasureDimension: 'str:MeasureDimension', model.MeasureDescriptor: 'str:DataStructureComponents/str:MeasureList', model.PrimaryMeasure: 'str:PrimaryMeasure', model.AttributeDescriptor: 'str:DataStructureComponents/str:AttributeList', model.DataAttribute: 'str:Attribute', model.CubeRegion: 'str:CubeRegion', model.KeyValue: 'com:KeyValue', 'cuberegion_attribute': 'com:Attribute', model.Ref: 'Ref', model.Header: 'mes:Header', model.Annotation: 'com:Annotations/com:Annotation', model.Group: 'gen:Group', 'gen_series': 'gen:Series', 'struct_spec_series_ns': 'data:Series', 'struct_spec_series': 'Series', model.DataSet: 'mes:DataSet', 'int_str_names': './*[local-name() = $name]/@xml:lang', model.Representation: 'str:LocalRepresentation', 'int_str_values': './*[local-name() = $name]/text()', 'enumeration': 'str:Enumeration', 'texttype': 'str:TextFormat/@textType', 'maxlength': 'str:TextFormat/@maxLength', # need this? It is just a non-offset Ref 'attr_relationship': '*/Ref/@id', 'cat_scheme_id': '../@id' } @classmethod def _compile_paths(cls): for key, path in cls._paths.items(): cls._paths[key] = XPath( path, namespaces=cls._nsmap, smart_strings=False)
[docs] def international_str(self, name, sdmxobj): ''' return DictLike of xml:lang attributes. If node has no attributes, assume that language is 'en'. ''' # Get language tokens like 'en', 'fr'... elem_attrib = self._paths['int_str_names'](sdmxobj._elem, name=name) values = self._paths['int_str_values'](sdmxobj._elem, name=name) # Unilingual strings have no attributes. Assume 'en' instead. if not elem_attrib: elem_attrib = ['en'] return DictLike(zip(elem_attrib, values))
[docs] def header_error(self, sdmxobj): try: return DictLike(sdmxobj._elem.Error.attrib) except AttributeError: return None
[docs] def dim_at_obs(self, sdmxobj): return self.read_as_str('dim_at_obs', sdmxobj)
[docs] def structured_by(self, sdmxobj): return self.read_as_str('structured_by', sdmxobj)
# Types for generic observations _ObsTuple = namedtuple_factory( 'GenericObservation', ('key', 'value', 'attrib')) _SeriesObsTuple = namedtuple_factory( 'SeriesObservation', ('dim', 'value', 'attrib'))
[docs] def iter_generic_obs(self, sdmxobj, with_value, with_attributes): ObsKeyTuple = ObsAttrTuple = None if self.dsd: # this is a structure-specific dataset for obs in sdmxobj._elem.iterchildren('Obs'): # dimensions: obs_attrib = obs.attrib # XML attrib if not ObsKeyTuple: obs_key_id = [k for k in self.dim_ids if k in obs_attrib] ObsKeyTuple = namedtuple_factory('ObsKey', obs_key_id) obs_key_values = [obs_attrib[k] for k in self.dim_ids if k in obs_attrib] obs_key = ObsKeyTuple._make(obs_key_values) obs_value = obs_attrib['OBS_VALUE'] if with_value else None if with_attributes: if not ObsAttrTuple: obs_attr_id = [ k for k in self.attrib_ids if k in obs_attrib] ObsAttrTuple = namedtuple_factory( 'ObsAttributes', obs_attr_id) obs_attr_values = [obs_attrib[k] for k in obs_attr_id] obs_attr = ObsAttrTuple(*obs_attr_values) else: obs_attr = None yield self._ObsTuple(obs_key, obs_value, obs_attr) else: # we have a generic dataset for obs in self._paths['generic_obs_path'](sdmxobj._elem): # Construct the namedtuple for the ObsKey. # The namedtuple class is created on first iteration. obs_key_values = self._paths['obs_key_values_path'](obs) if not ObsKeyTuple: obs_key_id = self._paths['obs_key_id_path'](obs) ObsKeyTuple = namedtuple_factory('ObsKey', obs_key_id) obs_key = ObsKeyTuple._make(obs_key_values) if with_value: obs_value = self._paths['obs_value_path'](obs)[0] else: obs_value = None if with_attributes: obs_attr_values = self._paths['attr_values_path'](obs) obs_attr_id = self._paths['attr_id_path'](obs) obs_attr_type = namedtuple_factory( 'ObsAttributes', obs_attr_id) obs_attr = obs_attr_type(*obs_attr_values) else: obs_attr = None yield self._ObsTuple(obs_key, obs_value, obs_attr)
[docs] def iter_series(self, sdmxobj): if self.dsd: iter_s = self._paths['struct_spec_series'](sdmxobj._elem) if not iter_s: iter_s = self._paths['struct_spec_series_ns'](sdmxobj._elem) else: iter_s = self._paths['gen_series'](sdmxobj._elem) for series in iter_s: yield model.Series(self, series, dataset=sdmxobj)
[docs] def generic_groups(self, sdmxobj): if self.dsd: groups_iter = sdmxobj._elem.iterchildren('Group') else: groups_iter = self._paths[model.Group](sdmxobj._elem) for group in groups_iter: yield model.Group(self, group)
[docs] def series_key(self, sdmxobj): if self.dsd: # handle structured-specific dataset series_attrib = sdmxobj._elem.attrib series_key_id, series_key_values = zip(*((k, series_attrib[k]) for k in self.dim_ids if k in series_attrib)) else: # generic dataset series_key_id = self._paths['series_key_id_path'](sdmxobj._elem) series_key_values = self._paths[ 'series_key_values_path'](sdmxobj._elem) SeriesKeyTuple = namedtuple_factory('SeriesKey', series_key_id) return SeriesKeyTuple._make(series_key_values)
[docs] def group_key(self, sdmxobj): if self.dsd: # handle structure-specific dataset group_attrib = sdmxobj._elem.attrib group_key_id, group_key_values = zip(*((k, group_attrib[k]) for k in self.dim_ids if k in group_attrib)) else: # generic dataset group_key_id = self._paths['group_key_id_path'](sdmxobj._elem) group_key_values = self._paths[ 'group_key_values_path'](sdmxobj._elem) GroupKeyTuple = namedtuple_factory('GroupKey', group_key_id) return GroupKeyTuple._make(group_key_values)
[docs] def series_attrib(self, sdmxobj): if self.dsd: # structure-specific dataset series_attrib = sdmxobj._elem.attrib attrib_l = [(k, series_attrib[k]) for k in self.attrib_ids if k in series_attrib] if attrib_l: attr_id, attr_values = zip(*attrib_l) else: attr_id = attr_values = [] else: # generic dataset attr_id = self._paths['attr_id_path'](sdmxobj._elem) attr_values = self._paths['attr_values_path'](sdmxobj._elem) return namedtuple_factory('Attrib', attr_id)(*attr_values)
dataset_attrib = series_attrib
[docs] def iter_generic_series_obs(self, sdmxobj, with_value, with_attributes, reverse_obs=False): ObsAttrTuple = None if self.dsd: # this is a structure-specific dataset for obs in sdmxobj._elem.iterchildren(reversed=reverse_obs): obs_attrib = obs.attrib # XML attributes # dim at obs obs_dim = obs_attrib[] obs_value = obs_attrib['OBS_VALUE'] if with_value else None if with_attributes: if not ObsAttrTuple: obs_attr_id = [ k for k in self.attrib_ids if k in obs_attrib] ObsAttrTuple = namedtuple_factory( 'ObsAttributes', obs_attr_id) obs_attr_values = [obs_attrib[k] for k in obs_attr_id] obs_attr = ObsAttrTuple(*obs_attr_values) else: obs_attr = None yield self._SeriesObsTuple(obs_dim, obs_value, obs_attr) else: # we have a generic dataset for obs in sdmxobj._elem.iterchildren( '{}Obs', reversed=reverse_obs): obs_dim = self._paths['generic_series_dim_path'](obs)[0] if with_value: obs_value = self._paths['obs_value_path'](obs)[0] else: obs_value = None if with_attributes: obs_attr_values = self._paths['attr_values_path'](obs) obs_attr_id = self._paths['attr_id_path'](obs) obs_attr_type = namedtuple_factory( 'ObsAttributes', obs_attr_id) obs_attr = obs_attr_type(*obs_attr_values) else: obs_attr = None yield self._SeriesObsTuple(obs_dim, obs_value, obs_attr)