Source code for pandasdmx.remote

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# pandaSDMX is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license a copy of which
# is included in the source distribution of pandaSDMX.
# This is notwithstanding any licenses of third-party software included in this distribution.
# (c) 2014, 2015 Dr. Leo <>, all rights reserved

This module is part of pandaSDMX. It contains
a classes for http access.

import requests
from pandasdmx.utils import DictLike, str_type
from tempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile as STF
from contextlib import closing
    import requests_cache
except ImportError:

[docs]def is_url(s): ''' return True if s (str) is a valid URL, False otherwise. ''' return bool(requests.utils.urlparse(s).scheme)
[docs]class REST: """ Query SDMX resources via REST or from a file The constructor accepts arbitrary keyword arguments that will be passed to the requests.get function on each call. This makes the REST class somewhat similar to a requests.Session. E.g., proxies or authorisation data needs only be provided once. The keyword arguments are stored in self.config. Modify this dict to issue the next 'get' request with changed arguments. """ max_size = 2 ** 24 '''upper bound for in-memory temp file. Larger files will be spooled from disc''' def __init__(self, cache, http_cfg): default_cfg = dict(stream=True, timeout=30.1) for it in default_cfg.items(): http_cfg.setdefault(*it) self.config = DictLike(http_cfg) if cache: requests_cache.install_cache(**cache)
[docs] def get(self, url, fromfile=None, params={}, headers={}): '''Get SDMX message from REST service or local file Args: url(str): URL of the REST service without the query part If None, fromfile must be set. Default is None params(dict): will be appended as query part to the URL after a '?' fromfile(str): path to SDMX file containing an SDMX message. It will be passed on to the reader for parsing. headers(dict): http headers. Overwrite instance-wide headers. Default is {} Returns: tuple: three objects: 0. file-like object containing the SDMX message 1. the complete URL, if any, including the query part constructed from params 2. the status code Raises: HTTPError if SDMX service responded with status code 401. Otherwise, the status code is returned ''' if fromfile: try: # Load data from local file # json files must be opened in text mode, all others in binary as # they may be zip files or xml. if fromfile.endswith('.json'): mode_str = 'r' else: mode_str = 'rb' source = open(fromfile, mode_str) except TypeError: # so fromfile must be file-like source = fromfile final_url = resp_headers = status_code = None else: source, final_url, resp_headers, status_code = self.request( url, params=params, headers=headers) return source, final_url, resp_headers, status_code
[docs] def request(self, url, params={}, headers={}): """ Retrieve SDMX messages. If needed, override in subclasses to support other data providers. :param url: The URL of the message. :type url: str :return: the xml data as file-like object """ # Generate current config. Merge in any given headers cur_config = self.config.copy() if 'headers' in cur_config: cur_config['headers'] = cur_config['headers'].copy() cur_config['headers'].update(headers) else: cur_config['headers'] = headers with closing(requests.get(url, params=params, **cur_config)) as response: if response.status_code == # Prepare the temp file. xml content will be # stored in a binary file, json in a textfile. if (response.headers.get('Content-Type') and ('json' in response.headers['Content-Type'])): enc, fmode = response.encoding, 'w+t' else: enc, fmode = None, 'w+b' # Create temp file ensuring 2to3 compatibility if str_type == str: # we are on py3 source = STF( max_size=self.max_size, mode=fmode, encoding=enc) else: # On py27 we must omit the 'encoding' kwarg source = STF(max_size=self.max_size, mode=fmode) for c in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1000000, decode_unicode=bool(enc)): source.write(c) else: source = None code = int(response.status_code) if 400 <= code <= 499: raise response.raise_for_status() return source, response.url, response.headers, code